You are Dental Implants Who can get the implants

Who can get the implants

If you have lost a tooth or more teeth, you are a potential candidate for the treatment, as most of the patients qualify for it. During the visit at the dentist’s office, the health of your oral cavity will be verified. Moreover, to be considered eligible for the dental implants treatment, your general state of health must be good.

There are as well some diseases, which may prevent the titanium screws from merging with the bone, thus making the procedure ineffective. It is of extreme importance to inform the specialist about all medication you are taking, as well as any conditions you suffer from. These include, e.g.:

● cancer,
● uncontrolled gum disease,
● uncontrolled diabetes,
● alcoholism or smoking.

In the clinic in Krakow we use advanced CS KODAK 3D CT scanner allowing to provide comprehensive and detailed diagnostics before the treatment.