You are Dental Treatments Diagnostics


●  RVG - Radio Visio Graphy (digital X-Ray)
●  Panoramic X-Ray
●  Cephalometric X-Ray (for orthodontic treatment)
●  CT scan (Computer Tomography) before implantological treatment
●  Intraoral camera
●  Bacteriological and mycological examinations
●  Histopathological examinations (biopsy and segments)

The best diagnostics enables an effective treatment

Our patients have access to two modern X-Ray machines:

RVG (Radio Visio Graphy) - digital X-Ray machine with a minimized radiation dose, which enables to take pictures without any risks to all our patients, including children and pregnant women. Our X-Ray machine was bought at the end of the year 2006 and meets the restrictive requirements of European Union on the minimized radiation dose - it has the so called high-frequency transducer made by the Finnish company, Planmeca.
Panoramic X-Ray - enables the assessment of the whole dentition state, including the temporo-mandibular joints and maxillary sinus. This examination is necessary for assessment and making a treatment plan. Thanks to the fact the all teeth, as well as adjacent structures, are visible it is a very valuable examination which enables an early identification of pathologic changes in upper and lower jaw bone as well as temporo-mandibular joints and maxillary sinus.
CT scan (Computertomography) - we offer our patients fully digital X-ray rooom where our patients can have state-of-the-art radiologic diagnostics on side at the clinic thanks to our CS KODAK X-ray equipment. CT scan is necessary before treatment with implants and in case of some illnesses of upper and lower jaw bones, temporo-mandibular joints and maxillary sinuses. CBCT (or so-called micro-CT) is needed for assesment of complex root cancal treatments or for diagnostics in case for single implantation. 

Intraoral camera

As a standard procedure, beside the RVG pictures, we use the intraoral camera when performing an examination. Each dentist's chair is equipped with an LCD display and if our patients wish, they can observe their dental state and the procedure when it is being carried out.

Microbiological and histological tests

If there are indications, we offer a complete bacteriological (bacterial infections), mycological (mycotic infections) and histopathological (analysis of removed tissues e.g. during surgical procedures) diagnostics.